State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG)
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Vol.18/No.18 December 2022

LASG Scientists Spoke at a Side Event on Climate Extremes at COP27

On November 11, 2022, IAP organized a side event "Climate extremes: prediction and early warning" during the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27).

The hybrid event included both on-site and live streamed presentations. Four IAP representatives organized the on-site side event in Sharm el Sheikh and a group of experts attended the virtual meeting held at IAP in Beijing. The event was chaired by Dr. CHENG Lijing and gathered more than 2000 viewers online.

The meeting featured talks given by three young scientists. Dr. ZHENG Weipeng from LASG introduced "EarthLab", an earth system numerical simulator facility developed in China and invited international communities to join the endeavor of improving the accuracy of weather and climate predictions for disaster prevention and mitigation.

LASG Prof. ZHOU Tianjun was among the four experts invited in the panel discussion. The panelists answered journalists' questions and shared their viewpoints on climate change related issues. Prof. ZHOU pointed out that one of the challenges in attribution and prediction of extreme events research lay in the role of natural variability. He also stressed the importance of international cooperation in researching and responding to climate change.

During the meeting, videos showcasing IAP researches and calling for international collaboration were also presented.

Prof. CAO Junji, the IAP director gave concluding remarks. He encouraged international communities to use EarthLab and achieve greater science progress together in understanding climate and providing better climate solution for the society.

Hybrid side event

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Editors: Chuanyi Wang (, Kangjun Chen(